Friday, January 2, 2009

gold diggers

Survival needs learning, which produces selfishness. Gold digging is one of its manifestations. Gold diggers are as rational as those who donate money for a 'good cause'. Of course, the contrast sets in my mind are 'the enlightened and niskaama karma.

Leaving aside this, we all use heuristics in our lives to get on; interesting pointers:

The art of gold digging

Desperately seeking sugar dads

Recession, toxic wives and gold diggers

Toxic wives, next dangerous asset class:

From trophy wife to toxic wife

To feminists: these are buncha heuristics, so dont go overboard while criticizing that one ought not generalize. Since we can't exhaustively represent the world, language along with these generalizations, despite being false, help one learn in the world.

Second, since selfishness and survival go hand in hand, adding some premises to "being selfish", one can derive the conclusion that gold diggers exist.

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