Thursday, January 5, 2012

Contrastive stress vs contrastive accent

  • cf. Bolinger's contrastive accent and stress paper; Bailey talked abt the same in his works
  • Phonemically similar or dissimilar
  • Being phonemically dissimilar, COUNTERsign and BROADcast can be accented on their normal stressed locations.
  • We can tolerate some similarity--even a difference of only one linear phoneme, if it is in the stressed syllable. Not conFESSion, conCESSion; Not deFECtion, deFLECtion
  • We can tolerate identical stressed syllables if there is enough contrast elsewhere: He is as inSIStent as any woman, but not really SISsified.
  • If the similarity of the words get any closer, a change may be demanded. A change in stress. EXport, not      IMport
  • If two such words occur very often, a permanent change of stress could happen. cf. WHOLEsale, REtail, EXTrovert, INTRovert--in these words, the change happened. EXhale-INhale (contrastively). 
  • Same with --ee words. PORTugeese is heard more often than portuGEESE. CHInese, JAPAnese, even when not joined.
  • The shift occurs even when one from such pairs is part of the background. AAA clerk, after discussing about motel accomodations in Mexico city, says: in Mexico city I recommend a HOtel (instead of hoTEL)
  • There are restrictions on where the shift can stress. Usually, long syl. The book refers to CYtology, not HIStology (shifted from the second to the first syl, which is long). I would call that legal action PERsecution, not PROSecution (shifted from the third to the first). Which kind of compound is it, sulFATE or sulFITE? (shifted from the first to the second)

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