Saturday, December 22, 2012

< u > < i, m, n, u, v, w > = < o > < i, m, n, u, v, w >

If u is contiguous with i, m, n, u, v, and w, u becomes o, thanks to stroke letters.

um: cumun (come),
un: wunder( wonder),  munuc (monk), tunge (tongue), hunig (honey)
uv: lufu (love)

14th cy, French convention for long u: ou, leading to confusion: ou + vowel = ov + vowel

u as /v/ intervocalically: loue (love), Douer (Dover)
final u = w

u, v, w: vowel representation

v for /u/, word-initial, common: vre, vsis, vngodlie
u for /u/, word-medial, common
w for /u, word-final

w for /u/, word -inititial: scottish ws, wnder
u for /u/, word-initial, exceptional: unitie, unto, use, utterlie
w for /u/, word-medial: cwmyn, fwrth
v for /u/, word-medial: cvmpany, cvrage

u, v, w: consonant representation

v for /v/, word-initial: French: voce, vanite
medial Fr: remowe, resauit, resavit, reprevis
alternation of old Eng intervocalic f: gave, gevin, have
old Eng w

Edinburgh history of Scottish language
Origins and development of the English language

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