Friday, April 9, 2010

iscsid: Kernel reported iSCSI connection 1:0 error (1011) state (3)

"kernel: connection1:0: iscsi: detected conn error (1011)
iscsid: Kernel reported iSCSI connection 1:0 error (1011) state (3)
iscsid: connection1:0 is operational after recovery (1 attempts)"

I got a mysql prod db sitting on an iscsi target, running into all kindsa weird problems like the above.

8.2 iSCSI settings for iSCSI root
or this setup, you can turn off iSCSI pings by setting:

node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_interval = 0
node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_timeout = 0

And you can turn the replacement_timer to a very long value:

node.session.timeo.replacement_timeout = 86400

Check at servfault


Anonymous said...

shouldn't the pedal hit the metal before the rubber hits the road?

blaoism said...

Thank you for pointing out. Changed it.

Anonymous said...

Actually I think the rubber must have hit the road before it makes sense for the pedal to hit the metal.