Thursday, July 19, 2012

Post-w system

f  p  th  s   t  sh  k

v  b  th  z  d  zh  g
   m          n       ng 

Grapheme < a >

/wɑ/: waffle, wapiti, wampum, was, what, wad, wan (wand) wash
/wæ/: wax (whack), wag, wank
r /wɔ/:  war, warden, warrant*, 
l /wɑ/: wallet, wallaby, walla, Walla Walla, WA, wallop, walrus*, warrant*
l /wɔ/: wall (wall-), walrus*, walnut, walk, Waltham, MA, Walter

Grapheme < au >

/wɔ/: Mark Waugh, Wauk, Waukesha, WI. 

Grapheme  < oo >

/wu/: whoop, woozy (mostly dialectal)
/wʊ/: whoop, whoosh, wood, woof, wool (woolly), woozy, woomera

Grapheme < u >

/wʊ/: wuss, wurst, whup, 
/wə/: whump

Grapheme < ou >

/wʊ/: would, wou'rali
/wə/: would
/wu/: wound (homorganic lengthening)

Grapheme < o >

/wu/: who, whom, whose, womb (homorganic len)
/wʊ/: woman
/wɪ/: women
/woʊ/: won't
/wo/: whole
/wə/: won, wonder, 
/wɑ/: whop(per), wobble, wok, wonk(y), wombat

/wə/: word, world, whorl, worthy, work, worm, worst, worship
r /wɔ/: worn

/wʊ/: wolf, wolverine, Wolfe, Wolfram, 
l /wo/: wold (homorganic len), whole, wholly 

Vowel space: /u/ = /w/ = /k/ = /g/


Post-w system: 

/w/, /u/, /k/, /g/ are articulated at the same location: velar, dorsal, high.

  /æ/ (no change): whack, wag (cf. rag, rack). This, because  w (k, g, u) and   /æ/ are not close.
  /æ/ --> /ɑ/  has, as, gas, rat, rash --> was, what, wash
  /u/ --> /ʊ/  food --> good
  /ɑ/ --> /ʊ/ golf -> wolf
  /ɑ/ --> /ɔ/ harm, card, car -> warm, warden, war (and pre-l system)
 /ɑ/ (no change): wobble, whopper, wok, wonky etc. 

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