Friday, October 12, 2012

Articulatory settings or oral posture

  1.  Beatrice Honikman (1964) Articulatory Settings by B. Honikman
  2.  John Laver (1980) The concept of articulatory settings: an historical survey 
  3.  John Laver (1994) Principles of Phonetics
  4.  John Laver (1978) The phonetic description of voice quality 
  5. Sandra Disner (1983) The base of articulation (in Vowel Quality: the relation between Universal and Language-specific Factors) 
  6. John Esling (1982) Pronunciation Considerations in ESL: Voice Quality Settings 
  7. John Esling and Rita Wong (1983) Voice Quality Settings and the teaching of pronunciation
  8. Scot Thornbury (1993) Having a good jaw: voice setting phonology
  9. Ann Bradlow (1994) A comparative acoustic study of English and Spanish vowels, base of articulation
  10. Bryan Jenner (1997) Articulatory Setting: the genealogy of an idea
  11. Eva Jacewicz (1999) The base-of-articulation effect in a second language
  12. Andrew Hickle (2000).Rethinking Invaraince BOAT: base of articulation theory
  13. Anja Steinlen (2002) The influence of consonants on native and non-native consonants.
  14. Laura Koening (2004) Towards a physical definition of the vowel systems of languages
  15. Bryan Gick, Ian Wilson, Karsten Koch, Clare Cook (2004): Language-specific articulatory settings: Evidence from inter-utterance  rest position
  16. Ian Wilson, Bryan Gick (2005): Articulatory Settings of French and English monolingual and bilingual speakers
  17. Ian Wilson, et al (2007) Japanese Articulatory Settings
  18. Daniel Recasens (2010) Differences in base of articulation for consonants among Catalan dialects
  19. Piers Messum (2010) Undestanding and teaching the English Articulatory setting
  20. Ineke Mennen (2010) Measuring language-specific phonetic settings
  21. Constantine Boriossoff (2011), Basis of Articulation
  22. Frequency of sounds within a language/accent
  23.  Rosenbaum's posture-planning
  24.  speech motor control/efficiency

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