Friday, November 9, 2012

French Orthography

/u/: aou

/wa/: oiC, oi$,  -oie
/waj/: oy

/e/: ai, é, ée, non final e
/ø/: eu
/ei/: ay

/ɛ/: ai, -aie, ei, è
/œ/: œ. œu

/o/: au, eau
/ɔ/: o

/a/: a.à


 iV: /j/
 -ie, -i, iC, : /i/

ouV: /w/
-oue, ouC: /u/

uV: /ɥ/
-ue, -u, -uC: /y/

-e: Ø

final e:
/u/: -oue
/wa/: -oie (Marc Lavoie)
/ɛ/: -aie
/y/: -ue

Odd ball:

LLi, iLL

lli⟩ is used in French to write the sound /j/ after /i/ in a few words, such as coquillier.
ill⟩ is used in French to write the sound /j/, as in épouiller /epuje/.

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